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Groovy Goods - One Stop Shop For Hippies - Retail store with inventory and displays

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  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
  • Item Image for Retail store with inventory and displays
Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays Item Thumb for Retail store with inventory and displays

Online Auction

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3/20/2025 - 10:00AM


Viewing: March 19th from 1 to 3 PM
2300 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA, 50310


Owners have closed up shop and we will be selling all of the remaining store fixtures and new inventory in an online auction.  This auction will feature 275 lots of new merchandise sold in larger quantities as well as 100 lots of a great lineup of store fixtures.  There will be eight lighted glass display cases, Clover POS register system, water fall display racks, very nice island glass display racks, mannequins and more!   Inventory to include: 2 Cathedral Geodes (very expensive), polished stones, clothing and bags, great assortment of flags and tapestry and a good lineup of other items.  Just a cool, groovy online auction!  Immediate pickup.  15% online Buyers Fee.  7% sales tax.

Full Details:
Auction catalog
  • 1 Times 4 - Trucker hats (1 is not)
    2 Times 4 - Trucker hats
    3 Times 3 - Bucket hats
    4 All to go - Sun catchers and more
    5 Neon OPEN light
    6 38" x 64" Groovy Goods lighted sign
    7 38" x 44" Hypothecary lighted sign
    8 Times 2 - 18" round security mirrors - buyer to take down
    9 Times 2 - full body molded manikins with removable arms - 2 piece torso - man is in OK condition - woman has several damaged areas
    10 Times 7 - Flat bags
    11 Times 3 - hemp backpacks
    12 Times 2 - Elephant backpacks
    13 All to go - 5 display hanging flags
    14 All to go - 8 wigs with Styrofoam heads
    15 Sunglasses rack with inventory
    16 Times 2 - 30 inch 2 drawer file cabinets
    17 Times 6 - Plastic body molds on stands with miscellaneous clothing
    18 Lot 18 - Chrome Specialty waterfalls rack
    19 All the go hanging in front windows - Dream catchers and sun catchers
    20 10" round x 20" tall Bongo
    21 9" tall Moon Diana statue - retails for $104.98
    22 All to go - 3 miscellaneous boxes of clothing and wraps
    23 Box flat to go - painted animals, flashing braids and more
    24 Box to go - assorted sunglasses
    25 Basket to go - assorted patches, buttons and stickers
    26 Box to go - Miscellaneous lighted toys
    27 Times 2 - 30" wide 2 drawer filing cabinets with assorted shelving inventory
    28 70" full body mannequin with two piece piece torso with arms
    29 Times 7 - 24" x 72" Chrome wall displays - buyers to take down
    30 Orange umbrella
    31 Times 9 - 4XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    31a Times 3 - 5XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    32 Times 8 - 3XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    33 Times 9 - 2XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    33a Times 9 - 2XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    34 Times 10 - XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    34a Times 10 - XL Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    35 Times 11 - Large Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    35a Times 11 - Large Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    36 Times 10 - Medium Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    37 Times 15 - Small Color Tone Groovy Goods Tie-Dye Shirts
    38 Times 11 - Infant and Toddler Tie-Dye related
    39 Times 3 - Flags - see pictures
    40 Times 3 - Tapestries or flags - see pictures
    41 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    42 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    43 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    44 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    45 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    46 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    47 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    48 All to go - located behind wall - large assortment of hangers, mannequin related, shelving displays
    48a Times 6 - Black Plastic Male Upper Torso Half Form Mannequin with Hanging Hook
    48b Times 11 - Black Plastic Female Upper Torso Half Form Mannequin with Hanging Hook
    48c Times 8 - Black Plastic Male Upper Torso Half Form Mannequin with Hanging Hook
    48d Times 9 - Black Plastic Female Upper Torso Half Form Mannequin with Hanging Hook
    49 Times 5 - Bohemian Rhapsody assorted size T-Shirts
    50 All to go - assorted scarves
    51 Times 9 - Peaceful Mandela Sarongs
    52 Times 3 - 2XL Pull Over Baja's top
    53 Times 2 - XL Pull Over Baja's top
    54 Times 3 - Large Pull Over Baja's top
    55 Times 7 - 4 XL and 3 L Hill Tribe Shorts
    56 PSILO Reversible hoodie
    57 Times 4 - One size fits all Peaceful People Mandela Sarongs
    58 Times 9 - assorted colors of cashmere pashmina's
    59 Times 5 - assorted colors and sizes pants
    60 All to go - 4 pairs miscellaneous shorts
    61 All to go - 8 assorted scarves
    62 All to go - 11 assorted scarves
    63 Times 3 - assorted medium t-shirts
    64 Times 4 - Large assorted T-shirts
    65 Times 5 -XL - assorted T-shirts
    66 Times 4 - XL - assorted T-shirts
    67 Times 3 - Chrome waterfall vendor racks - all different
    68 Times 3 - Small T-shirts
    69 Times 5 - large T-shirts
    70 Times 3 - 24" x 72" chrome display racks - buyer to take down
    71 All to go - Assorted head bands, head ware and more
    72 Single tree chrome display rack
    73 Tote to go - Assorted new clothes
    74 Harper 400# 4 wheel/2wheel cart combo
    75 Office to go - tables, chairs and more - as is
    76 Box flat to go - assorted tongs and scoops
    77 Box flat to go - assorted lanyards and free give aways
    78 Box flat to go - Approximately 43 polished stones - Mnoctis Private Stock
    79 Box flat to go - Approximately 46 polished stones - Mnoctis Private Stock
    80 Box flat to go - assorted small round stones
    81 Box flat to go - Pashdel assorted hearts and hands
    82 All to go - 13 matching jars with lids
    83 All to go - 14 matching jars with lids
    84 Times 8 - Jars of Wonderland Hypothecary Inventory - see pictures
    85 Times 6 - Jars of Wonderland Hypothecary Inventory - see pictures
    86 Times 6 - Jars of Wonderland Hypothecary Inventory - see pictures
    87 Times 6 - Jars of Wonderland Hypothecary Inventory - see pictures
    88 Times 8 - Jars of Wonderland Hypothecary Inventory - see pictures
    89 All to go - 3 assorted display jars with lids
    90 Times 2 - Tapestries - see pictures
    91 All to go - Display jars with lids and tea
    92 All to go - 19 table stands
    93 All to go - 10 assorted jars with 9 lids
    94 Pair to go - large jars with 1 lid
    95 Box to go - assorted display items
    96 All to go - All Day Energy - Energizer and White, Red and Green Maengda
    97 Times 10 - Hanging Pendulums with display rack
    98 All to go - display rack with Blue Lotus inventory
    99 All to go - 9 assorted polished stones and palm stone
    100 All to go - display with 15 Feel Free Classic Kava Root and other ancient plants
    101 Times 4 - Mnoctis Private Stock Stones - retails for $30 to $40 each
    102 Times 2 - 12" tall incense burners
    103 All to go - Dragon head book ends and Buddha - dragon head is broken
    104 Shelf to go - 1/2 baked brownies, black soap and more
    105 Times 4 - Mnoctis Private Stock Stones - retails up to $60
    106 Times 4 - Mnoctis Private Stock Stones - retails up to $45
    107 Times 4 - Mnocits Private Stock Stones - retails up to $45
    108 Times 4 - Mnoctis Private Stock Stones - retails up to $45
    109 Box flat to go - 36 plastic bowls
    110 Box to go - assorted display glassware's
    111 Box to go - 14 assorted display bowls
    112 All to go - assorted red Maengda
    113 Times 4 - 2 drawer file cabinets - 2) 36" 1) 30" 1) 42"
    114 Box to go - assorted new merchandise
    115 All to go - Shelf with assorted perfumes for bath and Home
    116 All the go - hemp seed hand and body lotion and more
    117 Times 18 - Stone pendent necklaces
    118 All to go - assorted jewelry
    120 All to go Styrofoam mannequin heads
    121 Al to go - 4 baskets of Mnoctis handcrafted sages
    122 All to go - 4 baskets of Mnoctis handcrafted sages
    123 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    124 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    125 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    126 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    127 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    128 Times 2 - Large polished stones - retails to $65
    129 Times 5 - Medium sized polished stones
    130 Box to go - Pride Flags
    131 Box to go - assorted books
    132 All to go - 19 assorted polished stones and Palm stone
    133 Box flat to go - assorted coloring books and more
    134 Box to go - 25 assorted Mnoctis Private Stock stones
    135 Individual crystal candle/incense holder
    136 Box flat to go - incense crystal burners
    137 Box flat to go - assorted new Inventory
    138 Box flat to go - miscellaneous signage, glass display stones and more
    139 Large box to go - Hemp yarn
    140 Large box to go - Hemp yarn
    141 All to go - Ritual candles with display
    142 All to go - miscellaneous hanging signs beaded necklaces and wind chimes
    143 All to go - miscellaneous bandanas
    144 Al to go - Passport bags plus one large bag
    145 Box flat to go - Assorted passport bags
    146 Times 4 - Assistant Associates flat bags
    147 Times 3 - Boho bags
    148 Pair to go - home bags
    149 Times 3- 48" x 72" black metal display racks - buyer to take down
    150 Times 2- 30" and 36" two drawer file cabinets
    151 Times 8 - black folding chairs in good condition
    152 All to go - assorted pins only
    153 12" x 12" x 55" tall 4 way spinner display rack
    154 All to go - white rack with Inventory plus cabinet - office supplies and cleaners
    155 Clover POS register system with monitor and 3 cash drawers - 3 model K 400 handhelds - scanner - complete system
    156 Times 2 - Hand made custom knifes with sheaths
    157 Hand made custom large knife with sheath
    158 Hand made custom large knife with sheath
    159 Hand made custom large knife with sheath
    160 All to go - ring display with inventory
    161 Box flat to go - assorted new earrings
    162 Box flat to go - assorted hemp necklaces - hippie necklaces and more
    163 Box flat to go - hippie necklaces - bracelets and more
    164 Box flat to go - assorted new merchandise - Original baggies - stealth bags and more
    165 Box flat to go - assorted body oils - Blunt power air fresheners - syrups and perfume
    166 Box flat to go - Detoxified Ready Claim herbal collapses
    167 Box flat to go - assorted Clipper lighters, miscellaneous oils, gag gifts and screens
    168 Clipper lighters with display
    169 Box flat to go - assorted dietary supplements - detoxify pre cleanse and body warmers
    170 Lighted 20" x 48" wide x 38" tall glass display cabinet - 1 rear door
    171 Lighted 20" x 60" wide x 38" tall glass display cabinet - 1 rear door
    172 Lighted 17" x 72" wide x 38" tall glass display cabinet with back sliding doors
    173 Lighted 20" x 72" wide x 38" tall glass display cabinet with back sliding doors
    174 20" x 20" x 38" tall glass corner display cabinet
    175 48" tall Uruguayan Amethyst Cathedral Geode - original - NOT lab grown
    176 All to go - 6 sun catchers
    177 Wooden Groovy Good wall display
    178 All to go - 3 dream catchers
    179 All to go - 5 dream catchers
    180 Times 2 - Peace Sign flags - buyer to take down
    181 All to go - 5 dream catchers
    182 Where the Magic Happens led lighted sign
    183 36" tall Uruguayan Citrine Cathedral Geode - original - NOT lab made
    184 All to go - 4 boxes of Incense sticks - Lavender - Patchouli - Sandal and Amber (see pictures for correct names)
    185 All to go - 4 boxes of Incense sticks - You Collect Us - Frankincense - Opium - Aastha - Aandal (see pictures for correct names)
    186 Box flat go - Assorted incenses (see pictures for correct names)
    187 Box flat go - Assorted incenses (see pictures for correct names)
    188 Box flat go - Assorted incenses (see pictures for correct names)
    189 Box flat go - Assorted incenses (see pictures for correct names)
    190 Box flat go - Assorted incenses (see pictures for correct names)
    191 All to go - 3 jars of incense - Opium Sandalwood and Rain (see pictures for correct names)
    192 All to go - 3 jars of incense - Cool Water - Nag Choppa and Patchouli (see pictures for correct names)
    193 All to go - assorted incenses: 2 sandals and Eucalyptus (see pictures for correct names)
    194 Top shelf to go - incenses Pacholi - Incense O Frank - White Sage and Come to Me (see pictures for correct names)
    195 Second shelf down all the go - Patroli - Amber - Frankincense Mur Sage block and Close Camore (see pictures for correct names)
    196 Third shelf down all to go - incenses: Amber - Mur - Sweet Grass and Protection (see pictures for correct names)
    197 Top shelf to go - Incenses: Zodiac - Chakra - Salvia Blanca White Sage - Purify the house (see pictures for correct names)
    198 Second shelf down all to go - Incenses: Tribal Soul - Lavender - You have moon - Zombie repellent and Rituals Golden Flora (see pictures for correct names)
    199 Third shelf down all to go - Incenses: Unlock Power of Healing Collection - Money and more (see pictures for correct names)
    200 Bottom shelf all to go - Incenses: Beauty Pop - 7 powers and Go Away Evil (see pictures for correct names)
    201 Times 4 - 30" to 36" two door office cabinets
    202 Peace Sign - LED - located in window
    203 Times 5 - black 48" x 72" metal display racks - buyer to take down
    204 All to go - Incense display with inventory (see pictures for correct names)
    205 Top Shelf to go - Incenses: Pacholi - Musk - Sacred - Sandalwood (see pictures for correct names)
    206 Second Shelf Down all to go - Incenses: White Sage - Dragon's Blood - White Musk - Frankincense (see pictures for correct names)
    207 Third Shelf Down all to go - Incenses: Athma - Knights and more (see pictures for correct names)
    208 Forth Shelf Down all to go - Incenses: Purple Beauty - Magic Monk and Blue Bell (see pictures for correct names)
    209 Bottom shelf all to go - Incenses: Red Chopra - Nag Chopra and Black Chopra and Tanner's (see pictures for correct names)
    210 All to go - Individual crystal candle/incense holder
    211 Top shelf to go - Incenses: Lotus - Lavender - Cannabis and Rose
    212 Second shelf down all to go - Incenses: Vanilla - Opium - Lessons - Tulsi and Ritual
    213 Third shelf down all to go - Incenses: Sandalwood - Cinnamon - Spiritual Healing - Blue Sage - Celestial
    214 Fourth shelf down all to go - Incenses: Sunrise - Pure Petroli - Rainforest and Lemongrass
    215 Bottom shelf to go - Incenses: Golden Sunrise - Midnight Bloom - French Lavender - Patchouli and Indian Rain Forest
    216 Inventory on cabinet - Sandalwood - Backflow - Champa - White Musk and more
    217 Times 2 - 30" wide 2 drawer filing cabinets with assorted shelving inventory
    218 All to go - assorted Indian temple incenses
    219 All to go - spiritual sky perfume oils
    220 All to go - Approximately 48 hanging Gonesh Sticks - assorted fragrances
    221 Plastic bags - 4" x 16" The Dipper polybags - full box plus a few
    222 All to go - assorted perfume Tea candles - White Sage Champa - Lemongrass - Lavender
    223 All to go - Approximately 40 hanging Gonesh Sticks - assorted fragrances
    224 All to go - 38 assorted Scentology Fragrance oils
    225 All to go - 31 assorted Scentology Fragrance oils
    226 All to go - assorted fragrance dispensers
    226a Times 3 - Deep storage flip coffins
    226b Times 3 - Flip-top wood coffins
    226c Deep storage flip coffin
    226d Times 3 - Fairy incense stick burners
    226e Times 3 - Dragon Incense stick burner's
    226f Times 2 - Alice in Wonderland style incense stick burners
    226g Times 2 - brass hanging burners
    227 All to go - Approximately 39 Gonesh Sticks
    227a Acrylic counter top bin with Raw Rolls
    227b Times 5 - Assorted flags - see pictures
    228 All to go - approximately 15 wide section of slat board - Buyer to remove
    229 All to go - 3 incense display racks
    230 60" folding banquet table
    231 16" round top to a 24" round base x 72" tall glass display rack
    232 All to go - assorted display countertop racks
    233 Top shelf to go - holding cases
    234 Shelf to go - ash trays and more
    235 All to go - box flat of assorted incense burners
    236 Incense burner and box of décor
    237 All to go - Black display books
    238 Times 4 - Elements of Rejuvinations candles - Mango - Sandalwood and more
    239 Times 4 - Elements of Rejuvinations candles - Fall Festival - Nag Champa and more
    240 Times 4 - Elements of Rejuvinations candles - Campfire - Black Cherry and more
    241 Times 4 - Elements of Rejuvinations candles - Spring Rain and more
    242 Times 4 - Rasta Love Smoke Odor Candles -
    243 Times 5 - Assorted Smoke Odor Candles
    244 Times 2 - Crystalo Creations scented candles - Apple Pie and Smoke Eliminator
    245 Shelf to go - assorted figurines
    246 Times 2 - Island display racks - 28" x 36" x 63" tall and they are lighted
    247 Box flat to go - assorted pop top containers
    248 Box flat to go - assorted wood figurines
    249 24" x 24" x 42" tall Acrylic cabinet on stand - back door has padlock
    250 Times 5 - Assorted flags - see pictures
    251 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    252 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    253 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    254 The ABC's - Wizard's Pets Tarot card
    255 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    256 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    257 Times 4 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    258 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    259 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    260 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    261 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    262 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    263 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    264 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    265 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    266 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    267 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    268 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    269 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    270 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    271 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    272 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    273 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    274 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    275 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    276 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    277 Times 3 - Packs or Decks of Taro cards or related - see pictures for what they are
    278 46" Oval by 52" tall glass island display
    279 18" x 30" Metro style portable cart
    280 Pair to go - assorted 3 Bin cabinets
    281 Pair to go - Chrome single display racks
    282 36" round base by 5 tiered glass display rack by 65" tall
    283 All to go - 3 assorted carboard stars
    284 Pair to go - Animal costumes with heads - these are in as is condition - both suits are ripped and torn
    285 Extension cord
    286 All to go - assorted monitors, printers and cpu's - as is condition
    287 Pair to go - display racks
    288 Times 2 - wet floor caution signs
    288a 47" wide x 17" deep x 72" tall lighted glass display case one rear sliding door
    289 Times 5 - Assorted flags - see pictures
    289a Times 6 - assorted rolling trays
    290 Locally made - Evil eye pendant - nice
    291 Locally made - Evil eye pendant - nice
    292 Locally made Glass Pendant
    293 Locally made Glass Pendant
    294 Locally made Glass Pendant
    295 Times 2 - Snake Eyes Pro Scale 111
    296 Set of Chrome balance scale weights 1) 500 3) 300 1) 200 1) 100 and 1) 50g
    297 Times 4 - rolling tins
    298 All to go assorted ash trays
    299 Set of chrome balance scale weights - 1) 500 3)300 2) 200 1) 100 and 1) 50g
    300 Nickel Bag 25" draw string padded bag
    301 RYOT International day trip backpack
    302 18" x 70" wide x 38" tall lighted display cabinet
    303 Box flat to go - Formula 420 plastics - 2 scales and more
    304 Box flat to go - Bracelets miscellaneous new merchandise
    305 Box to go - Raw slow burning hemp rolling papers and classic papers
    306 Box to go - Raw slow burning hemp rolling papers and classic papers
    307 Box to go - SMOK - K Nova and Nard 2 pods
    308 Hanging flag - buyer to take down
    309 All to go - 2 chrome hanger hooks and chip rack holder
    310 20" x 60" wide x 38" tall inch glass lighted display
    311 Box flat to go - Dog Head - Lazy Susan and Randy's rolling paper
    312 All to go - Elements hemp - Vibes - Trip rolling papers
    313 Box flat to go - Juicy rolling papers
    314 Box flat to go - ZigZag rolling papers
    315 Box flat to go - smell safe lockable hard cases
    316 Box flat to go - assorted Blazy Susan herb savers incense burners and more
    317 Box flat with new tin signs
    318 All to go - tabletop displays
    319 4 wheel dolly
    320 Folding step stool
    321 Blow up doobie and pipe
    322 All to go - 15 Cali Plus
    323 Shelf to go - assorted Luca bubblers and more
    324 All to go - 2 hanging pendants and large tapestry
    325 Times 3 - brick wall - mushroom and Sensational tapestry
    326 All to go - assorted Tasty Puff flavored cones
    327 All to go - Juicy and Cyclone hemp cones
    328 All to go - Cyclone hemp cones
    329 All to go - Juicy and Skunk Brand Hemp wraps
    330 All to go - ZigZag hemp wraps
    331 All to go - High hemp organic wraps
    332 All to go - acrylic risers
    333 15" x 15" spinning countertop 4 sided display cabinet - locking with key
    334 15" x 15" spinning countertop 4 sided display cabinet - locking with NO key
    335 27" x 40" tall Craftsman grip latch ball bearing tool cabinet
    336 27" x 32" Craftsman roll away tool box
    337 22" x 71" wide x 40" tall lighted glass display cabinet with open back
    338 PAY ATTENTION - All to go - Vast assortment of hookah's with large assortment of chillums, steamy's, spoons, studio V glass, sherlock's glass, emerald spoons, bangers, drop down reclaim adapters, dampers and much more approximately 45 glass hookahs, These are all locally produced - very nice offering - must have all permits and documents from state of Iowa to purchase. NO EXCEPTIONS
    339 Times 5 - Assorted flags - see pictures
    340 We Sell CBD lighted LED sign
    341 Kratom Vape CBD lighted LED sign
    342 Smoke Shop lighted sign
    343 All to go - 3 glass pumpkins
    344 Hookahs lighted sign
    345 OPEN lighted sign
    346 CBD lighted Led sign
    347 7' fiberglass step ladder
    348 All to go - inventory on rack plus totes - posters, file holders, office related, displays and more
    349 18" x 48" x 84" tall light industrial rack with wood shelves
    350 18" x 48" x 84" tall light industrial rack with wood shelves
    351 Times 2 - 5 drawer file cabinets with contents
    352 Pair to go - plastic bins
    353 Times 2 - older 5 drawer file cabinets with contents
    354 All to go - remaining inventory on two racks - displays and more
    355 18" x 48" x 72" tall chrome portable rack
    356 All to go - cleaning supplies in bathroom with rack to include cleaners, paper towels and swiffers
    357 Mop Bucket with mop
    358 Rubbermaid mop bucket with mop
    359 Times 2 - Lifetime 60" folding banquet tables
    360 34" x 34" folding black office table
    361 6' tall Pacific Pine tree
    362 Toolbox with the sorted tools - hammers, C Clamps and more
    363 All to go - Break Room plates and dishes
    364 Hamilton beach microwave
    365 Haer dorm refrigerator
    366 All to go - three assorted racks
    367 Times 2 - adjustable Chrome waterfall racks
    368 Good flat shovel
    369 Ryobi electric skil saw
    370 Ryobi electric jig saw
    371 Tote of assorted hand tools
    372 Shelf to go - assorted materials, straps and more
    373 Shelf to go - strip plugs, paints and more
    373a 18" x 48" x 26" tall chrome rack
    374 Times 2- 4' x 8' black display racks - already taken down
    375 Werner 10' fiberglass step ladder - nice
    377 Office to go - located on second floor - desks, file cabinets, chairs and office related (does not include security system or routers)
    380 Storage Garage - All to go to one buyer - Pay attention and make sure to view - Pop up tent, display racks, vendor racks, office equipment and much more

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