Downsizing or Liquidating in a Niche Industry
Posted On: November 1, 2019 by Backes Auctioneers in: Auctions Downsizing or Liquidating

Whether the time has come for you to close up shop or you are just looking to lighten the load, it can seem difficult to sell niche equipment. Even if you have heard that there isn’t a market for your used equipment, we can help. From pizzerias to bulldozers, Backes Auctioneers has the knowledge and technology to make sure your items sell.
Our Background
Backes Auctioneers has decades of experience in the auction industry. With this experience comes the knowledge to work with a variety of industries. Banks, restaurants, farm owners and even random collectors have turned to us to help sell their items. We are able to do this by investing in our company. We utilize the latest marketing technology to not only stay ahead of competitors but also to get you the most bang for your buck. This improves your bottom line and gets you faster results.
Examples of Our Auctions
1. Restaurants – Restaurants have many items that can appeal to a variety of people. From families just looking for new furniture to other restaurants looking to update their equipment, there is something for almost everyone. If you are looking for a buyer for your pizza oven, ice cream machine or memorabilia, give us a call!
2. Manufacturing – Although manufacturing equipment is high in demand, it can be hard for the average person to find a buyer. Our extensive network allows us to easily and quickly reach the right buyer for your heavy equipment so that you get the best sale every time.
3. Collector’s Items – This can be one of the harder sells for an individual. Although you appreciate the value of your niche collector’s items, it can be a struggle to find other people that are interested in collecting similar items. That’s where we come in. We have the networks and contacts to find the perfect person to appreciate your items as much as you do.
We are Ready for a Challenge
If your extra inventory is causing you a headache, relax, we got it! We have done extensive work with banks, so we can handle any of your lease or buyout issues. We also have a long history of working with legal issues that may arise for business owners. We can even easily and efficiently track your inventory in the case of multiple and/or franchise locations.
You worked hard to acquire your items, so let us work hard to sell them. No matter how unsellable you think your items are, we have the resources you need to get the job done. If you’re ready to downsize or liquidate, call Backes Auctioneers today!