Online Auction FAQs
Posted On: September 1, 2021 by Backes Auctioneers in: Auctions

Well before the COVID-19 pandemic, online auctions were rising in popularity for a variety of reasons. The ease of being able to bid on items from the comfort of home was alluring to not only those bidders from out of town, but also for the regulars who just may not have the time. With an emphasis on safety and convenience, we’re here to answer some of your most frequent questions about online auctions.
When should I register?
We recommend registering as early as possible. Not only does this guarantee your ability to attend the auction but it also gives you the opportunity to work out any issues ahead of time. You don’t want to run into problems registering at the last minute.
If I register, do I have to bid on an item?
Nope! By registering to bid, you are simply gaining access to the auction and giving yourself the ability to place a bid. It’s basically your “ticket” to the particular auction you registered for.
How do I register for an online auction?
Registering for an auction with Backes is easy. In fact, we have a whole blog devoted to it. Find step-by-step information on registering with us here.
When will the auction start?
Each auction has unique parameters as far as start and end times. Be sure to check your individual auction for its start time to ensure your ability to attend. Even though the event is held virtually, the start time will be strictly adhered to.
What if I have more questions?
Our team of dedicated experts is here to help you! Whether you’re looking for information on buying or info on selling, we can help. Either fill out our form here or give us a call.
Online auctions are a great way to find the equipment and items you’re looking for. With new auctions being added to our lineup almost weekly, there is something for every buyer. Keep an eye on our upcoming auctions here or reach out to us today!