Selling and Buying Used Restaurant Equipment: What You Should Know
Posted On: January 23, 2019 by Backes Auctioneers in: Auctions Food service equipment

Are you a small business owner looking to open a restaurant or a longtime restaurant owner looking to maximize space in your building? Buying and selling used equipment at an auction is going to be the best way to get the most out of your dollar. Here’s what you should know when it comes to auctions and the restaurant business.
Whatever the reason you are selling your restaurant equipment is, auctions are a smart choice. If you’re like most small business owners, your time is in short supply.
- It’s important to make sure your equipment is in tip-top shape. We all know how quickly kitchen equipment can build up grime, so make sure it is squeaky clean before having bidders take a peek.
- When selling items, it’s important to be able to advertise and communicate with buyers. By listing the items for auction, you won’t need to worry about the extra hassle, as Backes Auctioneers does the advertising of each auction to people who are most likely to buy.
- The auctioneer understands the value of liquidated items and will price the items competitively.
When auctions are an option for purchasing items for your restaurant, buying new doesn’t do you any favors when you realize the quality equipment available at a fraction of the price. Kitchen and dining items are typically the most expensive items and entrepreneurs still spend far too much money on them because they buy new. The average start-up of a restaurant costs $275,000.
- Because you are saving money by purchasing used items, you will be able to buy the name brand items that you favor.
- Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need about the equipment. There will be a description of each item and likely an owner’s manual. However, you may have questions beyond this that the auctioneer likely has an answer or can find an answer for.
- Before the auction, take a good look at your menu to determine what items you need the most so you know what to be scouting out.
- If your restaurant space is new to you, be sure to measure all of the places where you want to place the equipment so you know right away if an item will work or not.
Restaurant equipment can be a lucrative sell or a smart buy - visit Backes Auctioneers today to see our great upcoming auctions.