Spooky Sales
Posted On: September 27, 2021 by Backes Auctioneers in: Auctions

In the spirit of Halloween being right around the corner, we’re sharing some creepy or even haunted things that have been up for auction online or through auctioneers around the world. Don’t worry – we’ll do our best to make sure nothing we sell is haunted before you make your purchase!
Haunted New York Mansion
A mansion built in 1871 was sold last year for $368,500, even though there have been claims of supernatural activity going on inside. Ironically enough, the abandoned mansion was sold on Halloween night.
Ziplock That Heals
As strange as it sounds, a Ziplock sandwich bag was auctioned off by a seller who claimed that it had the power to heal and restore anything. They explain that it can revive food that’s been contaminated, such as veggies and sandwiches that have gone bad. These paranormal sandwich bags are available online if you feel compelled to try them out.
Haunted Tapdancing Shoes
A pair of tapdancing shoes were rumored to have been found in a house full of ghosts, specifically belonging to the spirit of a nine-year-old girl, Lisa. The seller explains how they kept them in their nursery closet and would hear the shoes tapping in the middle of the night.
Thai Djinn Mask
The seller of this mask claims that there’s a genie captured inside of it. It supposedly has the ability to bring whoever owns it riches and the ability to keep vampires away.
Haunted Vintage Antique Doll
This seller was eager to get rid of a “possessed doll” that they were auctioning off online starting at $99.99. The individual claims they want to get rid of it because “so many things have happened when this doll is near” and “she must go.” Any takers?
Coins, Pebbles, Feathers, Pieces of Wood and More
There’s so much more where that came from. You can find haunted or enchanted objects up for auction all over the internet. These ordinary objects are said to carry either good or bad fortune. They’re even as specific as primarily money luck, but you can find objects for good fortune finding love as well depending on the spell.
Are you creeped out yet? We sure are! If you’re looking for some spirit-free objects up for auction, we’re the place to go. Visit our website to see upcoming auctions and have a happy Halloween!