Win the Next Bid by Understanding Your Auctioneer: Who'll give me a hundred dollars? One hundred dollar bid, now two, now two, will ya give me two?
Posted On: May 31, 2018 by Backes Auctioneers in: Auctions

When you're at an auction and standing in a crowd full of people, the last thing you want is to become more overwhelmed by the auctioneer who is talking a mile a minute. However, there is no reason to get overwhelmed. By just learning a few things, you'll be able to understand your auctioneer and win that next big bid.
Auctioneers use bid calling to make it known to all bidders two basic numbers: the amount that is currently bid and the higher bid that the auctioneer would like to accept. The amount that is currently bid is known as the “have” and the higher bid is known as the “want.”
Although auctioneers have their own style of bid calling, clarity and speed is key between the auctioneer and the bidders for clear communication and higher bids. With an experienced auctioneer, their unique style is usually developed through three areas: filler words, a particular rhythm and variable speed.
Filler words: Once the two basic numbers are established, auctioneers use either small words or short phrases to maintain rhythm and market the product they are trying to sell. They also give the potential buyer a chance to think about their next bid. Common filler words are commonly:
- “Somebody give me”
- “Bid the”
- “Will you bid”
Often with an experienced auctioneer, these filler words become more like sounds as they may be abbreviated or slurred.
Rhythm: The auctioneer’s rhythm is developed through the use of filler words. Once they have established different types of filler words between the “haves” and the “wants,” they have developed their own rhythm which will also be dependent on the product they are trying to sell.
Variable Speed: You may think that the auctioneers are talking at “tongue-twisting” speed, but their speed is all dependent on the item they are trying to auction off. They speak with a rhythmic monotone voice with the intent to give the bidder a sense of buying urgency. You either bid now or lose out.
Now that you know the basics to auctioneer bid calling, visit our website at to learn more about our upcoming auctions and services we provide!